Wife, "Honey, you are right! That lecture about how dirty my car is has inspired me to go detail my car MYSELF! Where's the toothbrush and Windex?"
Child, "Wow, was I raised in a barn? Let me go and clean my room!"

Child, "Sure Dad, I'd love to go and clean out the garage with you. And you know what, I'm not even going to complain!"
Child, "Oh, I'll go ask Mom, you relax Dad."
Dog, "Just for today, I'm not going to take a crap by your side of the bed. I'll do that over by Mom's because she's the one that picks it up anyway."
Cat, "Father's Day? Whatever."
Child, "Dad, I found all those tools I took out of your tool bag. And I put them all back!"
Child, "Dad, that lecture.....it just builds character. I get it!"
Child/Wife: "No, we don't need any money. It doesn't grow on trees."
Child: "Were we just fighting? Don't worry, Max has removed the word STOP from his vocabulary."
Child, "Oh, you want to sit and relax? OK, I'll just go up to my room and quietly finish this project I put off until the last minute alone."

Child, "Oh Dad, here's that money I said I would pay back, with 8% interest!"
And finally,
"Happy Father's Day Dad, hold the fire extinguisher, we'll go ahead and light the grill for dinner!"
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