When the oldest lost his first tooth, it couldn't have come at a worst time. I was broke. Broke in as I had no cash on me. Forgot about the tooth fairy until 5am the next morning. Was thinking I could just write him a check from the tooth fairy but then how could I black out my name and address. Figured he would have to be dissapointed but sweet hubby found a twenty dollar bill in his wallet.
My son as he got on the bus, "My tooth fairy is ultra cool, she leaves 20 dollar bills!"
So do the math, both kids loose 26 teeth at 20 bucks a pop. Yeah, I have a home equity line for that one.
The Secret Stash
My son has a false book. He took one of my books (thank goodness not a favorite) and hollowed out the inside creating his "secret stash." Now as Moms know, when we need cash we can sniff it out of anywhere in the house.

We've checked for freshly laundered money in the dryer.
We've hit all the pockets of all the jackets in the home.
So I sniff out his secret stash and pull out a twenty to send in with the other child to cover his Field Trip that day. Knowing that I will return the money later that day.
He comes home from school, "Let me go and check my stash!"
Me. "NOOOO! Um, not yet."

The next morning, my son, "Holy cow!"
Me, "What?"
"Look! I have 60 dollars in my stash! Do you think the leprechaun left money this time? Because I haven't lost a tooth and there's two extra 20 dollars in there?"
I sigh, "Yeah baby, I'm sure it was the leprechaun."
WTF Note to Self: It is not a good idea to do anything late at night or first thing in the morning. Late at night, you can blame that glass of wine in your brain, first thing in the morning, you just blame yourself.
So don't:
Count money

Write Facebook Posts
Count money again.
Say what is really on your mind.
Hit the fridge -- I mean, really? Then why is there a light in it.
Go do something productive late at night - like dig a hole in your neighbor's backyard about the size of a body then fill it back in.
You're welcome.
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