"Do you realize it is snowing? And if it is snowing, then it is below freezing. Which means I am not happy. What? You are still getting on the lift, didn't I explain that it is cold here, meaning it is freezing up there?"
I don't listen to it, because who listens to their butt anyway, and ride the lift up to the top of the mountain. The kids are excited and as I ski a few runs keeping up with them, my butt starts again, "Aren't you freezing?"
I look around, there's no one there, so I can talk to my butt, "Yes, I am freezing. But they are having a great time so I am just going to suck it up."
The wind blows again, stopping me in my skis, my butt sighs, "I give up, you're on your own. I hope we survive this."
I stop by the trees and say out into the blowing snow and wind, "Well maybe I'm attempting to freeze my butt off, OK?"
My butt, is now having a conversation with my hands, "You tell her."
My hands, cough a little bit then whisper, "Hey. Have you noticed that the tips of your fingers are starting to sting a little bit?"
I'm skiing down my favorite run and choose to ignore both of them. At the bottom as I work over to the lift they start again.
"I hate to be a pain in the butt, but I don't have feeling in my first and ring finger."
"My goodness you sat again in a seat full of snow."
"Are we done yet?"
I smile at the family, hunkering down for each lift ride, telling myself that I can do it and I will because:

b. Everyone else seems fine, I'm the only one suffering.
c. Sometimes it is not about me.
Finally after another hour to two, both my hands, my butt and my feet have decided to stop talking to me.
One of the kids leans over in the lifts, "I'm freezing, can we go down to the condo and add another layer?"
Everyone else in the groups immediately adds, "Yeah, I need my long underwear. Why didn't I put that fleece on. I'm afraid to move my toes."
I look at all of them thinking, "I guess if I was feeling that way everyone else was, I guess I should ahve said something sooner.
We ski down to the condo, my butt, fingers and feet saying, "I told you so."
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