Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How to tell summer vacation is coming to an end!

1.  You hear yourself say, "Oh?  What's that?  A stove?  What?  You mean you want me to do something with it?"

2.  You're contemplating a taser because the approach of EARLY mornings has you very, very afraid.

3.  You're back to reading nutrition books, trying to remember the four food groups - realizing they are not pizza, burgers, watermelon and sweet tea.

4.  You've vacationed in beautiful places, and come home realizing you have WAY too much clutter.

5.  Wondering how everyone outgrew their clothes over the summer - including yourself!

6.  Have this strange obsession with office supplies - trying to find the perfect mechanical pencil.

7.  The beach chairs are going back on the shelf in the closet, the Thigh Master is being pulled back out.

8.  You walk through cobwebs in your own home, not I haven't cleaned cobwebs, but I haven't been here in a while cobwebs.

9.  Your children actually say, "I'm sick of going to the pool."

10.  You actually cry at the thought of dropping them off on that first day of school - with joy.

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