I feel that I have to come clean, this stomach bug that I have makes me feel as if I am about to die so in order to make it in front of St. Peter, I’m spilling the beans
- I refuse to eat Okra, its gooey inside reminds me of, well, you know.I took Splenda from Panera, yes, I did it. I justified it with the thought that since I just paid 3.52 for a cup of coffee I can add 4 extra Splendas to my pocket to bring the tally a little closer to even.
- Sometimes I don’t listen to my children because honestly, with some of their stories, I really don’t care. I do always listen to my husband. (I think he actually reads my blogs)
- I still eat Captain Crunch and Twinkies even if I pretend to be ultra fit in my eating habits.
- Life goes a little easier at night with a glass of wine.
- I still have a few books left over from my foray into into erotic writing, complete with one of my favorite bodice ripping romance novel of all time.
- I don’t get the draw of a lot of Classical Literature, give me a good old Stephen King anyday.
- I have an addiction to office supplies, show me a new pen made from recycled plastic bottles and I’ll have a Big O.
- I hate people who workout much less than I do and say, “it’s hard to find a size 2 these days,” while I work my ass off and in the morning it’s come back to visit me with fat friends.
- I will pay another $15 when Fast and Furious 15 comes out because to me it’s money well spent.

Well I feel much better now, really, my stomach is feeling much better. So much better than I’ll follow this list with the disclaimer that none of it is true. Do you have any “untrue” confessions in your life?
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