So the three of us stood at the sewage pumping station staring into the hole in the side of the RV. After a week in the albatross, we finally succeeded in filling up the "black water", even the term black water was an attempt to make it sound better, but black water coming out of the black hole didn't sound good to me. I was stilling to keep me my mind off the thought that gallons of urine were sitting in there waiting to come out.
Wolf was holding the instruction manual with the RV, and stared at the hole. "At least all we did was pee in the RV, right Mommy?" Yup, that was the one shining light in all of this, we only did "number 1" in the RV even if a few times it meant an emergency swerve into the visitor center for "number 2." How could three people make enough "number 1" to fill the tanks of the RV? Maybe that was why we were so slow going up those last few mountains.
"It says the hose is next to the hole," Wolf says looking at the picture. I look and sure enough there's another flap that says "sewer hose" things are labeled correctly. I open it and start pulling the hose out. Both boys gasp and step back when they see that part of the hose is duct taped. Not a good sight for all of us. This obviously meant there was a hole that was fixed, but was it really fixed?
With the hose out we go and take the cover off the opening and some black and blue water pours out. Both boys jump back and run over leaving me on my own to do this, thanks a lot. Now two cars are waiting behind me ready for their dump. I wonder how much "black water" the big momma could hold! It's pretty easy setup, hook the hose onto the hole (me, anally double checking three times that the hose is properly locked) then comes the moment of truth, I had to trust the hose and let loose all that "number 1" and hope that it goes down the drain. I look at the boys who have taken another step back and take a deep breath and pull.
The hose inflates with all our pee and it goes past the duct taped part and into the hole! In the span of 5 minutes we're cleaned out of "black water", I then let all the "grey water" or the dish water go to clean out the hose! That's it? I wonder, what was I so worried about. As I take off the hose a little blue stuff splashes on my arm above my glove and with a gag I realize that was what I was worried about! Nothing that two gallons of hand sanitizer can take care of. The albatross is clean and ready for her trip back. The bathroom is now sealed with police tape as we have to return it empty.
I give all the people behind me a thumbs up, they smile the campground smile with a thumbs up back and we pull out of our last camping site.
"I have to go to the bathroom...." I hear my youngest say from the back.
You are too funny, I have a great picture in my mind on this one! I would be over with Wolfgang and Max on this one!