If you don’t want to reach for the Kleenex then pass this one by. So many people said to me when I started this journey, “Are you crazy?” Like so many things in my life, I listen to everyone say that I’m crazy, then just go on doing what I’m doing because life is all about getting on with things (I heard that at the rest stop on the Parkway) isn’t it? If I’d listened to people I’d never have so many races under my belt, not gold medals but lots of COOL medals, but who cares, it’s a MEDAL! I’d never put myself out there and let people in with my writing (lord knows I do better at writing that the other touchey feeley stuff) and enjoy hearing others say they’ve read it and enjoyed it! This time I put caution in the wind and gasp, went without a plan to travel the Blue Ridge Parkway.
I am so glad I did this and there are many reasons why, so here are a few (cue Kleenex here):
Watching my son catch a butterfly and proudly “save” it into the flowers.
Watching another draw in his field journal of the snakes we saw.
Walking the trails and explaining why the trees from the Southern part of the Parkway are SO different from the Northern part of the parkway!
Lighting my first fire – WITH the help of a firestarter.
Watching my son catch a butterfly and proudly “save” it into the flowers.
Watching another draw in his field journal of the snakes we saw.
Walking the trails and explaining why the trees from the Southern part of the Parkway are SO different from the Northern part of the parkway!
Lighting my first fire – WITH the help of a firestarter.
Learning to rethink people at the campground, how generous, how open, how helpful how funny they are at this special place tucked away from the cynical world. The “we’s all family” at the campground is what they really mean! I wish I were as open as all the special people we’ve met along the way (they love my children by the way, can’t blame them eh?)
The most important reason is watching the look of wonder on their faces. I’ve learned TOO YOUNG that life is short and you live in the moment and hold what’s dear close and let those distractions go! Both of my parents have passed and each time I experience something really cool with my boys it makes me miss them, I remember those times with them exploring and learning, the yelling at us, frustration, my Dad’s stinky pants but it’s these things that teach our children to be who they want to be and know that we love them. So if it’s Max’s stinky feet on the trip, or what explodes out of the refrigerator on each turn of the road, I love having these memories not just for fodder when I’m in my wheelchair at the old folks home but for my boys to use as a role model for their children!
Take that time to show people you love that you love them. What’s on your agenda for today?
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