I realized why everyone wears funny hats in the mountains! Every tourist attraction you visit there’s people in straw hats, fishing hats, bonnets, kerchiefs, pith helmets and I just found out the reason why – it’s MOUNTAIN HAIR!
There’s something in the water up here and that will after the first mountain shower make your hair look like shit for the rest of your trip. Maybe hairdressers have some unholy alliance with the mountains to remind people that they desperately need a haircut when they get home!
Mountain hair sounds really nice when you describe it as: windswept curls framing her face as he looked over the moors at her, his long lost love from another time. But here’s how Mountain Hair is really described: The straw like hair stood straight up as the humidity pulled it out until there was full kink. The hair then settled like a bee’s nest on top her face making it look small and old as he ran away from her in the other direction.
Mountain hair sounds really nice when you describe it as: windswept curls framing her face as he looked over the moors at her, his long lost love from another time. But here’s how Mountain Hair is really described: The straw like hair stood straight up as the humidity pulled it out until there was full kink. The hair then settled like a bee’s nest on top her face making it look small and old as he ran away from her in the other direction.
To keep from scaring away friends and neighbors, we in the mountains just wear hats-that way no one really knows what is going on underneath the cover up, especially that single guy looking at the girl of his dreams from under that very fashionable straw hat. Keep the hat on until the marriage vows are said, shot gun or no shot gun cause we are in the mountains, then let them know that they are committed when the hat comes off! He’ll buy you every fashionable hat to cover up when you’re back in the mountains, and he’ll know why!
Any other places that wreck havoc on your hair?
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