We continued down the Parkway with every intention of hitting our mark on target with mileage. But just like life, a quick left turn and we threw caution in to the wind! This left turn was to Mt.Mitchell State Park, technically not part of the parkway for so close you say it’s like a cousin. What attracted us to this part was that this was the highest point on East of the Mississippi at a soaring 6,684 above sea level!
Everyone started complaining after we left lunch and continued up the road to the summit of the mountain. Just like Pavlov’s dogs, the minute my children are out of the RV and see a gift shoppe, they start with, “Can we get something?” I say, “Jeez, we don’t need to buy something at every gift shoppe,” as I hope they don’t notice that I’m putting on a new long sleeve T-shirt that I bought at the last gift shoppe.
“Why does it have a M on it?” They ask looking at the sticker running along my boob.
“That’s for Melang.” I say as I pull it off. I guess I’m not going to get away with that one as easily the next time around.
We walk up to the top of the world and everything starts to connect. I go from being unfamiliar with the Parkway to starting to recognize mountains! I can make out Table Rock (got lost hiking on that one), then Hawksbill and our beloved Beech Mountain! They boys do the usual, “What’ so cool about this?” as I take my pictures. We go into the museum of Mt, Mitchell and I can only handle about 5 minutes of fun of them touching everything and trying to play with every exhibit.
Max rescues a grasshopper outside the museum by almost smashing it with his hand, but as we put it in the grass we high five that it will LIVE (I think)!
We finally make our mileage on the parkway and end up at the Spruce Pine Campground. I am always so amazed at how friendly everyone is here at the campground, it’s like even with me pulling in with the obnoxious looking rental RV, I’m already part of the club! They give Max a tour of a “BIG MOMMA” RV and he comes out with the “I can never go back to our dinky little thing” again look on his face. I fumble with matches and newspaper and hot air (my own)getting a fire started for our dinner. Thinking I’m doing pretty good as Pioneer Woman I didn’t realize that my boys were already in the camper eating Lunchables and “were full” when it came to aluminum foil packets of fresh veggies! Oh well, we’ll eat some fruit and call it a day!
Wait a minute, campfire? Marshmallows? Chocolate? Graham Crackers? Do I hear s’mores? Can’t let a good campfire go to waist, just let it go to my waist is always what I say!
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