The RV or recreational vehicle came 25 years before the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was almost as if they watched what happened with the RV and someone said, "We've got to find a COOL place for this to go!"
I like being adventurous and I love traveling with my family so we sat and brainstormed what to do over the summer. Like a good mother, I wanted something educational for my children (who haven't opened all the workbooks I purchased and the summer is HALFWAY over) but something fun. We came up with the RV/Blue Ridge Parkway idea watching the Robin Williams movie, RV. (Let's hope we don't end up like that) "Cool! It's like Disneyland on wheels!" My youngest explained when we looked at pictures of the vehicle, I guess if you're stuck in a car traveling the highways or byways it is considered Disneylandish if you can lay down and take a nap, fix a burrito in the microwave or pour a soda from the fridge.
So our vehicle is booked and I'm worried about whether or not I can drive something that big on the parkway or anywhere! We chose a mid size RV giving a great taste of the mobile outdoor life but nothing that I need to stop at weighing stations because of its size. We're starting outside of Asheville at one end of the parkway and driving 75 miles each day, stopping and finding campgrounds for the babybus and educational things along the way.
We're gasing up the RV, packing the suitcases and ready to go. Where would you go if you had Disneyland on Wheels?
Coming soon.....rules for the RV!
Happy Cruising!!! Oh, be sure to have the boys checking for the wifi hotspots along the way. Don't want to see you on the roof of the RV trying to get a signal.