Found on a popular news site.
Woman Gives Birth To A Lizard.
Click Woman Gives Birth To A Lizard
There's an angry mob looking for the poor 31 year old, and scientists are saying she had a phantom pregnancy. They're saying that the poor lizard was just going for a walk when a woman accidentally gave birth on him and lo and behold he's got a new Momma.
But it got me thinking.

He could have been misinterpreted as a lizard. He had a long chisel shaped head, goo all over him, not exactly the births I'd watched on TV where they put this beautiful clean baby on the mother who has all of her makeup on, not sweating from pushing a basketball out, in a nightie, looking at her man with total love in her eyes as she holds the youngun for the first time.
Sure we were elated with the addition to our family, but had someone not known they could have mistaken him for a little alien or even, yes, a lizard.
So before you stone that poor women, remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that a mother loves her child no matter what.
A friend once said to me, looking at my baby, "You know, why is it that beautiful celebrities have such ugly babies? Why, your child is just gorgeous!"
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