We started talking costumes. "So I'm going to put on a Ghillie suit and scare people before they get to the house."
"Honey, a Ghillie suit is supposed to hide you from an animal hunting. I think any normal person would recognize a person there."
"Oh, then I'll just dig a big ditch and hide in there."
"You go right ahead baby."
Second child, "Mom I want to scare people but I want candy too. What do I do?"
"You could scare everyone away from our house, then you can keep all the candy for yourself. Your brother has braces and can't eat any of it."
*wicked smile.
Then we have the conversations about decorating. Anyone listening in would be convinced that serial killers live in our house:
"I think the eyeballs should go in the bathroom. No one will expect them there."
"Will people see the bones if they are scattered around the front yard?"
"I'm thinking a skull here, then the crazy skull at the top of the steps, they will never know what hit them."

"Does blood come out of clothes?"
"Grab them before they get the candy, that is the best way to do it."
"Do not spit blood on the little kids, OK?"
"I think brains, guts and chicken nuggets sounds great!"
"The machete works much better than the knife."
"Pull my finger."
OK, maybe the last one isn't really Halloween, but it is the first TRICK so I don't have to give him a treat. I feel sorry for the innocent little Elsas coming to the Melang house, with all the decorations my children have set up, it will be like walking the gauntlet. Who will be brave enough to actually make it to the candy?
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