Do your children have the selective hearing disease? The one where I tell them,
"Dad and I are skiing over off of Dreamcatcher Lift, meet us there in one hour for lunch."
1 hour later, someone is texting me, "Where are you?"
Dreamcatcher Lift.

But what about lunch.
(heavy sigh) Come over to Dreamcatcher and we'll stop for lunch.
Sometimes it is nice to not really exist - to just relax while the rest of the family dukes it out for who was right, which way to go, why didn't we do that. Other times it would be nice for someone to listen to me.
"We need to take Sidewinder Trail down to the Short Cut Lift to get down to the base."
They are busy arguing about Dreamcater, and Cloud 99 and every way but the one I suggested. Of course, I was the only one to study the map realizing that there is no way over the valley except for the Short Cut lift. I say, "Well we have to get to the Short Cut Lift to get down to the base."

They are moving into hiking to the top of another peak to pickup a run to make it to base when my youngest, maybe his brain is not so fermented on sugar as the other says, "Wait a minute, we can't get back down unless we take the Short Cut Lift here."
My jaw drops as they all say, "Wow, you're right Max. Good job, we should take Sidewinder over to the Short Cut Lift to make it to the base of the mountain."
"Let it go, " I tell myself
It is even evident in Apres Ski, it seems that most men just don't really hear what women are saying at times, and if they did, they would thank us for it.
I watch the bartender put a cup on a base and it fills from the bottom with beer, not from a tap at the top.
"Wow, that's cool, how does it work?"

I look at the bottom of the cup and my finger travels to the bottom, where the magnet it, she says, "I wouldn't push that unless you want to wear your beer."
My hubby comes in and looks at his beer, "That's wierd what's this on the bottom."
Me, "It's a magnet because they fill the beer from the bottom up, don't push on it."
Does he listen to me. As I turn, he's holding the cup up above his head, looking closely at the magnet. I watch his finger travel slowly to the magnet at the bottom, I try to say something, but I've lost my voice (I cannot tell you why)

I watch my husband do it and douse himself with beer. I watch other people come in and the girls were smart enough to not push on the magnet, but everyone that wore beer surprisingly was male??
Funny, that we keep trying to tell them what is smart for them, thinking that maybe one day - they will actually listen.
Nah, who's got time for that anyway.
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