1. Make sure you leave all the snow piled on top of your car and on the hood. This makes the driver behind you feel like they are in a snow globe as it blows off your car on the road. On another note it will keep drivers behind you at a safe distance.

2. Create a real video game atmosphere by only clearing a 4 in circle on your windshield. This will give the real feel to M1A1 tank! Bring a toy gun with you to complete the experience.
3. Your hazard lights are a great way to alert all the drivers around you that it is snowing. Make sure they pay attention to you by honking your horn as they pass you.
4. The "I'm about to crap myself" look on your face is great for sagging skin. It will make you look 10 years younger. It is especially flattering when framed by the 4in hole you cleared on your windshield.
5. Your high beams at night are the perfect way to see every snowflake. Turn them on and leave them on for the rest of your vacation.
6. If you have 4WD, even if you've never used it before, make sure you drive as fast as you can, alerting all the other drivers that you have 4WD. This is especially true if you don't know how to turn on your 4WD, drive as fast as you can, your car will let you know when it needs it by sliding into the ditch.
7. The driver in front of you is the perfect leader on the road. Follow that driver as close as you can finding their tracks in the snow. Their hazard lights will let you know when to stop.
8. Check the brakes on your car frequently. Make sure they are in working order by slamming on them when you hit 15 MPH and you were planning on 10 MPH.
9. Your turn begins the second you hit your destined road, don't inconvenience the drivers behind you by slowing down for your turn. Turn signals are not needed as your hazard lights are already on.
10. Make sure you honk hello to the fellow drivers, especially those that do not know they are facing the wrong way on the road or the ones in the ditch. It makes them feel part of the community.
Bonus Tip: Gunning your car for long periods of time will help it gain traction, the turning wheels will melt the ice. If you all of a sudden move, don't worry, your hazards have already alerted other drivers there is snow and they will be watching YOU!
What other winter driving tips would you ad?
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