Of course, I had to see what the deal was. I created my SnapChat account, both boys telling me I was lame naming it, "kelmelang" suggesting I should name it something more jazzy.
I embarrassed them enough that they both quickly agreed kelmelang was the perfect name.
Soon after creating the account, 3 friends found me. I had friends!
They sent me witty selfies adding text and drawings to them making me laugh!
I fixed my hair, pinched a little color in my cheeks and sent out that selfie.
Nobody responded.
My three friends sent a few more selfies to me,
I replied with the wittiest selfie back, laughing as I added the text.
Crickets from my 3 SnapChat friends.
"Why don't my 3 friends reply to my SnapChats?" I ask techie child.
"Are you replying to their chats?" He asks, looking at my account.
"Yes, I'm just as witty back. You know I am hilarious. There is something wrong with my SnapChat."
He looks again, takes a quick picture, "Looks like it is working. Where are you sending your pictures?"
"To my story of course," I say, "It is MY story."
"Mom, nobody looks at your story. You have to send it directly back to them." He says rolling his eyes.
"Well then, why have My Story?" I ask.
I apologize to my three friends, explaining my SnapChat "fail" according to my kids now we're snap chatting away.
Which brings me to the SnapChat bust!
One of my friends' child is not supposed to have a SnapChat account, according to his mom.
We're having coffee, and I say, "Hey you know, Dirk sent me a friend request on SnapChat."
She stops with coffee halfway to her lips, "Really? He's not supposed to have a Snap Chat account."
I look at my phone, then over to her.
"Let's send a picture of us to his SnapChat account!"
Her devious smile is my answer.
We send the picture.
Funny, I'm not friends with him anymore. Wonder why?
Here's what I am asking my children with SnapChat, you may want to ask yours.
Can someone screen shot your picture during that 30 seconds it is up, or does SnapChat prevent this?
Do you know all the people you are chatting with? If you don't, you need to delete them.
If you were to apply for a job, what would they find researching you online?
Where do the pictures go? To a SnapChat server? How do you know they are deleted after they disappear from your phone?
I then show them the news stories about foolish children sending pictures to SnapChat thinking the recipient will keep them discreet, however, the recipient does not!
Of course, I get the rolling of the eyes, but I'm hoping that some of it sinks in, we all remember Anthony Weiner, and the phrase, "Don't tweet the meat!"
What lecture do you give? Are you savvy with the technology your children are using? Do you look at their phone periodically?
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