I now know the secret handshake, here's a few lessons learned on this ride:
Anything you really want to work, takes work. Relationships, putting together that grill, to getting the story just right. Roll up your sleeves and get to it, it's not getting done by itself.
Ask for help when you need it. Sometimes this can be humbling, but there are people wanting to help, letting go not only helps you but makes them feel good also.
Have a Partner in Crime. Mine pulled a good one on me for my birthday, he's got so many "dude" points to my "chick" points. I'm in the hole for a LONG time.
Admit your mistakes, then laugh about them. Don't hold a grudge, it's a waste of time.
If you spend time being self conscious, you lose time having fun. Go ahead and fart in that yoga class getting the pose right, sing that karaoke realizing you can't carry a tune, try that high dive out even if it gives you an enema when you land it wrong.
Laughter is really the best medicine. Try to do this every day. Better yet, just laugh at yourself, that's the quickest and easiest way to accomplish this.
Having children is a hilarious, scary but unbelievable part of the journey. Whether it is shaking my head, or trying not to kill them, or filling with pride, I'm so proud they are mine.
Share your journey. I'm blessed with wide open friends and family, who don't say "Are you crazy" they simply say, "OK where do we start?" Friends are like duct tape, they will either fix the problem, or tape its mouth shut.
Everyone has cellulite, and if they don't then they are worrying about something else on their body. Let it go.
The only space I can control in right around me. Occupy that space. Make it something special, crazy, and amazing. It's the only space truly yours, work it hard.
Many thanks for all the birthday wishes, all my amazing family and friends that made the trip celebrating with me. Here's to another fifty more.
I love you all.
OK, time to start planning.