Friday, November 21, 2014

SMH Edition - parents edition

My parents crack me up.  They have their little quirks that sometimes make me shake my head.

Current problem.

They have a little brush that they like to run across the dryer lint filter.  Are you asking what I am thinking, why do they have a brush to do it.  Is it a specific "This Is Your Dryer Lint Brush" or some idea that my father in law came up with?  Maybe seeing the brush reminds them each and every time to clean out the lint filter for the dryer.

Add another item to the laundry room and you're asking for trouble.  Of course, it has happened already.

They dropped the brush down the dryer vent.

Yep, it went clear down the vent.  To the bottom.

And you can hear it banging away every time they turn on the dryer.

Call to the sons for a rescue:

One spent half an hour with a yard stick and a broom trying to reach the little brush and get it out of the dryer vent.  "I took most of the dryer apart trying to get to it, I couldn't reach it."

No luck.

Call the other son.  The "Tool Man." And yes, he has the right tool.  He has a long "grabby" thing that he thinks will grab the brush and liberate it from the bottom of the dryer vent.

Of course my father in law now has had to wait a day for the arrival of the grabby.  During this weight everything in the house must go into the dryer, and each time he turns the dryer on we can hear a "Dammit" heard from the washing room as the banging in the dryer starts.  I am pretty sure he didn't sleep last night, worrying about the brush and how to get it out of the dryer.

This morning, they are still worrying about the brush, so we get the phone call, "What time is your brother coming with the 'tool?"  You know they got up, forgot about the brush, turned on the dryer to banging followed by a "Dammit!"

"Not sure."

"We have a doctor's appointment today."

"OK, is it for you or Dad?"

"You know, I'm not sure."

"Well, what time is it?"

"Funny, I'm not sure about that either."

So hopefully there's a completed set of doctor's appointments, and brush sitting back on the dryer by the end of the day today.

Of course, they'll start using it again to "brush" the lint off of the dryer, lying it back in the same exact place.

And we all know where the brush will end up.  Now don't we.

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