Monday, December 19, 2011

Gingerbread Men and Winter Snack

Fun story written for the kids in max's class, they LOVE it when I use their names in my stories, of course it has a gingerbread theme!
Twas the party before Winter Break, when all through Old Richmond School Mike, Samiya and Tanner were excited, parties are cool. Tyler ran to the table of crafts made with care, In hopes that good eats would soon would be there. Julius and Jessica were nestled all snug in their seats, While visions of cookies and candies danced at their feet! And Mr. Brookshire with his clipboard and Mrs. Lynch with her tea, Settled with a big pile of gifts with glee! When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, Max sprang from his desk to see what was the matter. Away to the door Jayden and Hannah flew like a flash, Emma even jumped over the bucket of trash! A funny looking schoolbus pulled into the lot, Katie knew something special it brought. When, what to Eli’s wondering eyes should see, But a big gingerbread Man and all of his friends set free. He was a happy cookie, so yummy and nutritious, Daylan knew in a moment it they’d be delicious. More rapid than runners Gingerbread ran down the hall, Followed by all his pals, big and small! "Come now my gingerbread friends, let’s go! There’s a party at Mrs. Lynch’s you know! They have special icing so today we are a treat! Now dash away! Dash away! You’re cookies to eat! As quick as a cat down the hall they flew, Jumping into Mrs. Lynch’s Classroom two by two. In front of Claire and Jessica, they jumped and lay still, Waiting for Ava and Austin to decorate then eat their fill . Kaden loved the icing, Jayden the gummy bears and sparkles for fun, Cecelia even put M&M’s on some. Aristotle and Abriya filled their cookies with glee, Creating beautiful works of art for all to see. No one saw Santa hanging beside the back door, Enjoying the party while tapping his foot on the floor. He drove the bus bringing the gingerbread joy, Laughing as he watched all the little girls and boys. His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! He laughed as Max put a red hot for a nose, And chuckled as Ava put sprinkles on her girl’s toes. One gingerbread chuckled as a Tanner tickled his belly, Another squirmed as a Emma squirted on some jelly! Head to toe, covered with pretty white frosting, A ginger girl thought this was better than any costume. One little gingerbread dude hung in a corner shaking, He really had no idea what they were making. What if they made him look like Justin Bieber or a GIRL, he’s not wearing a tutu for a twirl! He sprang to his feet, trying to run from the room, But Santa caught him at the door before he zoomed. Don’t worry young man, this is a party of fun, "Mrs. Lynch 2nd grade class will make you look better than none! So the little gingerbread man went and had some fun, He got a blue frosting coat and a gummie bear when done. Pulling away in his strange bus, they heard Santa say, Happy Winter Break Old Richmond have a fun day!

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