Procaffinator - usually Mom, who procrastinates until that second cup of coffee finishing with a, "Oh shit! We have ten minutes."
Goredom - that moment when you realize you've watched too many Walking Dead episodes and can still hear zombies after the television is off----looks over my shoulder.
Rerunuitis - watching Criminal Minds episode until halfway through realizing you've seen this one before.
Reruneron - continuing watching that Criminal Minds because even thought you've seen it before you cannot remember the ending.
Suggestivitis - That fear that you may actually find out that your mother knows more than you do.
Expritius - a unknown fear of expiration dates on food, usually hitting children between the ages of 9-? where they cannot touch anything in the refrigerator that is two to four days from the expiration.
OJacardia - fear that the universe will implode if you consume the last drop of milk or OJ or any other liquid. Usually followed by Shelfopoly - putting the carton back on the shelf with that ominous last drop inside.
Teenager's Ear - this malady is usually accompanied by Fluttering Eyelid Syndrome when a parent asks them if they did all their chores.
Smeizure - uncontrolled movement of arms, rolling of eyes, gnashing of teeth with possible loss of equilibrium the first five minutes after a parent takes a child's Smart Phone.
Gravity Assisted Stupidicus - a child coming into the home, breathing heavy a large knot on their head staring with, "You are not going to believe this."
Incidentaloma - the brother coming in with Gravity Assisted Stupidicus causing failure to tell the whereabouts of his brother.
Life Receptical - the holding place of all things valuable - food, clothing, dishes, backpacks, sometimes called The Floor.
Fridgehole - the back part of the refrigerator holding your science experiments of the past 5 years, including the possible sister cell to Penicillin.
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