OK, we've had enough snow days.
Time to get on with life. Here's how today's snow day goes:
Silence disappeared when the youngest figured out he could made funny noises with his tongue. This he commenced to do all morning, the only stop when his older brother pinned him to the floor trying to make him stop. He'd stop, then get out of punching distance and start again. I almost lost one lamp to the ensuing chase.
Tranquility - forget it. Could be someone filling the bird feeder and not realizing it wasn't closed properly to everything spilling all over the kitchen. Could be two clients calling with complaints about what I wrote when they never bothered to answer my calls so I had to find information from their website, is it my fault it is not up to date?
Or is it that there isn't coffee in the house, is that why this snow day is different from other snow days? Or that it actually isn't snowing, it is simply snizzling? Perhaps the dog just informed me it is too nasty outside for her by peeing in my shoes?
Oh wait, I see snow. My mood is already improving because it is an ACTUAL snow day!
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